Meet board member, Tracy Ingram

Tracy Ingram is a certified teacher with a gifted endorsement and a Master’s Degree in Instructional Design. She and her husband Marc have been married for 34 years and have two adult children, a son-in-law and a grandson who all live in Tifton. Tracy and Marc are the owners of Excelsior Buildings and White Cottage Farm. Finding ways to serve the Lord is a top priority and Tracy believes her support of Providence School is an important part of that service. Her personal hobbies are reading, caring for the animals on the farm, gardening and spending as much time in nature as possible whether she’s hiking, boating, or just enjoying a beautiful view. She believes God is the ultimate artist and designer of all things and nature is a wonderful place to see His work. Tracy also feels strongly about the importance and value of little children (Matt.18:1-3) and the tremendous responsibility we have when in stewardship over children in any way. She therefore counts it as a great honor to be able to help Providence School provide the most Christ centered and academically rigorous and enriching learning experience for as many children as possible.

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